please tell us what we can do to help our son

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    • #4039

      we don’t know how to help our son , hes 29 yeas old he doesn’t live with us he has a council flat which he shares with his partner. basically he is a drug addict and has been for many years now .it started with smoking cannabis in his early teens to taking cocaine then over the last few years he has been smoking heroin .his partner is also a user .he has been in trouble several times now for shoplifting at least 4 I think and has had a dro put in place with a fine .he is supposed to attend cri weekly I think but im sure he doesn’t do this because hes been recalled to court 3 times that I am aware of. Besides the shoplifting which is a daily thing for him just to let you know he steals meat and sells it to feed his habbit, he has also stole from us ,he took our video camera and sold it , he stole a laptop from his brother a wi from his niece jewellery from another of his brothers the list goes on and on .he lies to us constantly ,txs us almost daily for money and food he has lost over 2 stone in a year.I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO HELP HIM ANYMORE I feel so helpless when we do see him its only to give him food or some money and he s in and out in a matter of seconds he never talks to us .I feel we are just watching our son slowly killing himself he just doesn’t care about anyone or anything anymore especially himself .He has recently ripped all his copper pipes out of his flat and sold them so now he has no gas heating or hot water or cooking you see we are at our wits end I just don’t know how to deal with this and what to do for the best is there anyone who can advise us and help we are desperate .

    • #8044

      Hello Fred, I have only just read your post. I see you wrote it back in August, I wish more people used these sights so you could’ve had a response.
      You may not even read this but I was wondering how your situation is?
      My relationship of ten years ended in November due to the stresses of his Heroin abuse. He now lives in a flat with a new girl who is also a user.
      I don’t know what is more difficult, living with a user and trying to help or it being taken out of your control and not being able to help at all.
      I feel your pain, I still love him very much and always will. It’s so difficult to watch a loved one ruin themselves.

      Take care

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