Police Help

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    • #7469

      My son has been targeting me for money for the past 10 years. He stepped this up last November when he moved in with his girlfriend sometimes asking for hundreds of pounds a week. He gets paid on Friday and by Sunday he is harassing me for money, they have no food, no electric, no petrol for him to get to work etc. I can’t take any more, I’m a nervous wreck, I’ve threatened suicide and the Doctor has put me on antidepressants. The Counsellor says it’s emotional and financial abuse and this 36 year old man needs to sort his own mess out but I keep giving in to him. I get 10/12 missed calls if I don’t answer the phone, emails if I block him on messenger. My husband (my sons Stepdad) had a quadruple heart bypass in January so we are now much worse off financially but still my son persists. Sometimes I just give him the money so he will leave me alone, get it over with, he actually says ‘just give me the money and I will leave you alone’. A week ago he broke into his Grandad’s house and stole money, that’s the 4th time, he was seen by the Neighbours. I called the Police but Dad who is 95 only wants it left on file. Yesterday he was back on the phone asking for £150 as he claims someone stole his methadone. He was a heroin addict now maintains he is on a methadone programme. He is such a liar, continually claiming his wages haven’t gone in or his bank card won’t work. I am petrified now, I tell him I will call the Police as this is extortion and harassment and he just says ‘go for it’. I’m sorry to ramble on but does anyone have experience of asking the Police to protect them ?

    • #28856

      If he is living with you, you need to call the police domestic violence unit. What he is doing is called familial abuse. You can get a non molestation order preventing him coming near you or living in your home.

      You can also consult Women’s Aid for advice as they don’t just deal with partner to partner abuse.


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