Post Rehab Break Up?

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    • #7110

      Hi everyone,

      My boyfriend is a cocaine addict and has recently come home from residential rehab for 28 days. He has always admired that I (a non drug user) is able to be there for him, support him and most importantly not judge him throughout this despite never having any exposure to addition. He always said he wants to get better, for himself and also for our future. I knew by him going to rehab our contact would be reduced but I was so happy when during the first three weeks of treatment, he got in contact more than I was expecting! He was still set on getting better for us. But in the last week, I saw a change. Very quiet, not answering my messages, not saying he loved me too.. which is very odd behaviour for him. He remained reserved in his first 4 days home, and then he rang to say we should break up.

      Obviously this is not what I want, I love him dearly and want us to finally have a chance of a great future!

      We are yet to speak in person about his decision (it’s been 5 days) but plan to meet in 2 days time. I just praying that he still wants a future for us.

      He says a relationship might distract him from his sobriety, that it’s not fair for me to wait for him. But if I’m willing to wait and be a siding supporter, and he still rejects, I can’t help but think it might be another reason he’s not telling me.

      His health has to be our priority right now, but surely he shouldn’t be getting rid of the only home support he really has, his family gave been very critical.

      I know a lot recommendations say a recovering addict should avoid new relatioships for a year. But we are established and also a support for him. I’m just so confused as to the sudden change.

    • #25725

      Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry that your partner’s decided to part with you after returning from rehab. This must be so distressing for you.

      If you would like to talk through how you are feeling and may be find a way forward perhaps you would like to contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offer support to people dealing with addiction in their family and, maybe, talking with one of our trained and experienced Family Friends will help you to feel less confused.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you.

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