Prescription opioid drug addiction

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    • #4963

      I am new to this website and forum. We have so many questions as we are in what is to us a totally alien and worrying situation, but it’s a situation that I can see is familiar to people posting with such sympathy and humanity on here. Briefly, our son has been on opioids from the GP for several years and he does acknowledge that he’s addicted. He is incredibly angry and blames the original GP who put him on this drug. He has a young family whom we see often, although they don’t live near us. He has just had a year with basically no work after attempting to be self-employed, and with bits of financial support from both sets of parents he was trying to follow a drug reduction programme (with a different GP) but with only limited success. However because the family was suffering a severe shortage of money he has now accepted quite a well-paid job and is pleased with his situation in many ways– he certainly seems less depressed now he’s not stuck at home and has a bit of money in his pocket. BUT he presented this as “we” (his wife and the wider family) were forcing him to go back to work against his will, so he can’t now continue the reduction programme. He told us a while back that the GP had said he wouldn’t be able to do the reduction programme and hold down a job. This goes round and round in my head. It seems such an unhelpful thing to have said… but perhaps it’s true? So my big, first question on this forum is this: I do realise that reducing is incredibly hard, but can anyone tell me whether it is possible to work and reduce drug dependency at the same time, or is he indeed in an either/or situation? I don’t know what to believe.

    • #11832

      Hello. I have just read your post and thought I would let you know that there is hope. I was prescribed opioids for 5 years (Oxycodone at a high dose for the last year). I decided I was done with them this February and stopped c/t. It is now April and I am almost back to normal. It was extremely difficult to do but it was possible.

      My GP was useless (most are in my experience unfortunately)

      It can be done ????

    • #11833

      Maybe the GP isn’t the best person to help him with this? Is there somewhere in the area that could help him to reduce around his work hours (pharmacies are open until late in a lot of places now, for instance)

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