Prob need to get help

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    • #35075

      Hi everyone. Very short backstory – abusive ex, currently going through court system, child access fights and my mum died.

      i’vr always done the odd bit here and there (line, E, whizz)  but it was for fun / nights out, not sitting in by myself, lying to people.  it got worse over covid.

      it’s currently turned into a weekly thing (I used to have enough control for it to be monthly) and I swear it’s the only way I can concentrate long enough to tidy  up.  I’m so stressed and sad all the time. There’s so much going on. I need help to stop but I need to do it quietly, privately.  My child’s abusive father has been jailed a few times and will be again but the court hearings are terrifying. My mum died recently and I can’t cope. I have lost my support system. I work full time and am a full time single parent. It’s turned into the only time I get alone and get stuff done. Currently being assessed for adhd (don’t know if that makes a difference) but please somebody help me before I throw it all away.  I’ve got so much to feel lucky and grateful for, why am I sabotaging it? What can I do? I know need to not have a drink at least, all my willpower melts away.

    • #35176

      My heart goes out to you, clearly you are under an immense amount of pressure, having someone to confide in is key

      Please ask for help, CA are brilliant or your GP, you deserve to be given support during this difficult time

      Your beloved Mum would not want you suffering along like this



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