R.I.P. Emma xxx

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    • #4271

      Just found out my son’s friend ( fellow drug user) has died..
      Found dead on her couch, heroin overdose.. 30 yrs old and gone!!!
      I hope you’re in a better place now Emma xxx

    • #8550

      Oh no Fiona……..Seems this week has been nothing but bad news…..My son got arrested again last night…..Drunk and probably on something…I hope they remand him if im honest..he should be court next week too…..Never ending BS, that drains the life out of me..All those promises of wanting to get better…all BS..His ex has wiped her hands so he wont have anywhere to go, and he definately isnt staying with us….IM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • #8905

        Hi pink pink, firstly, you are not a bad mother….addicts will blame everyone but themselves, lie, cheat, steal to get by and they are bloody good at it…you are doing the right thing….It took me a while to realise, every time I helped him, I was enabling him to continue with his addiction…so I told him to leave me alone, and not contact me till he was serious about getting help..now don’t get me wrong, it was hard, I felt a failure because mothers instinct is to help your kids…but I’m so glad I did…he hasn’t contacted you because he knows he won’t get anything….addicts are selfish..not their fault, but the child you thought you knew is replaced by what I can only describe as a stranger….please please please continue to go to the support group in your area….and talk about it, cause it does help Hunni….my son has been at Rock bottom and tried and failed afew times…then after coming out of a six week prison sentence he knew it was now or never..,he sorted out drug counselling, got a job, and relapsed twice, BUT, got straight BA k on it….now I’m not naive to think he’s cured, far from it, but he fights daily to stay clean, and his job really helps….he’s doing well, is third in charge, and only been there a couple of months..he luvs it, and says it gives him focus.. Don’t give up on your son completely, because hopefully he too will want help…and when he does be there to support him..it might take longer than you want, but I pray the time will come….until then look after YOU and the family…..here most days checking in, so if you need to talk….will say a prayer for your son and all the others affected by addiction…..hugs Hunni xx

      • #8908

        Thankyou so much x cant take no more i feel like im falling a part but on wards and upwards have to be strongxxx

        • #9508

          I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Dr. Ofemo a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex wife back when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now 5 months ago.i never thought my ex wife will come back to me again,i am very happy at last that my ex wife is back to me,who left me six months to our wedding just because of some little misunderstanding,But today we are married and we are expecting our little baby,i sincerely want to say thanks to Dr Ofemo for helping me cast the spell that brings her back to me,i am grateful and happier than ever before,Thank You Doctor for helping me, and if you are also having problem in your relationship or any part of life,his email drofemospelltemple@yahoo.com You can also have a better relationship only if you contact:drofemospelltemple@gmail.com or his cell number +2348163387496 his web/site http://drofemospelltemple.wix.com/dr-ofemo..

      • #8947

        Hi pink pink,

        CANT TAKE NO MORE is right. There are ways of you speaking to people, to let it all out, which may help you. The Icarus Trust is an organisation which provides you with a Family Friend – someone who has been in a similar situation, who you can speak to. They all have experience with addiction in the family. You can contact them on info@icarustrust.org or see their website http://www.icarustrust.org.

        Best of luck!

    • #8560

      Oh ladies how much more have we got to suffer?
      I have no words to help tonight, I attended the funeral of a friends son today he too was a heroin addict who died as a result of many years of drug use, and do you know what a small part of my was wishing it was my sons funeral, how awful is that? there is no reaching him, he is using to the point of being sensless, where he is getting the money from i dread to think, Im at a total loss as to what the next step is, I turned my back and walked away from him today, I had to for my own sanity,
      And now im crying in the middle of the night, I never in a million years thought that being a mom would be so hard,
      take care you two lovely ladies, Im so glad I stumbled upon this site its been a lifesaver for me, just sharing with people who really understand and dont judge is a huge help.
      night night keep strong you two
      love Sue Xxxx

      • #8976

        It sounds like you are doing a great job supporting your son in very difficult circumstances. This is obviously hard and maybe you would like a bit of support for yourself?
        I work for a charity called Icarus Trust who provide one to one trained volunteers that you could talk to in confidence if you felt you needed it. It sometimes helps to offload to someone who will have experienced similar situations to yourself, which may help you to feel not quite so alone.
        Please contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrst.org
        Good luck!

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