Ready for Rehab!

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    • #7304

      Hi, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but long story short, my boyfriend is planning to go to rehab. He has a list of things he needed to get done before he leaves and he only has a couple of things left. Theoretically it should only take a couple of weeks for us to get paid to take care of those things but I am ready for him to go NOW. Like yesterday. I am over the tweaking episodes, the drug-induced amnesia, manic depressive episodes. Living with someone who knows they have a problem, uses it as excuses and is moving too slow in my opinion to seek treatment is wearing on me. I have heart problems and he is literally making my heart hurt. I just started orientation at a second job just so I don’t have to be around him.

      He fits the modes I hear and have seen on here: he’s a good guy when he isn’t using. He’s nice to me when he is using until he has an episode and I have it in my calendar so I can be ready for the shit storm. It makes me so unbelievably mad at myself for being with him and I am over it. I am super psyched he’s leaving.

      Am I wrong?

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