Recovery, hope and prayers

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    • #6767

      Some of you may remember my desperate post a while back and I feel I would like to share my current journey…..

      My son has been in rehab for two weeks and has two weeks left. I never ever thought I would see the day that would somehow make him want to change

      I have read the book ‘mum will you lend me £10 ‘ with sadness and sorrow and hope and pain ,,,, but most of all with love for all of us who are ‘victims’ family, friends, sisters mothers and brothers and more ….

      I know my son is a good person who has served our country as a Royal Marine he is a proud man and I love him very much .

      His recovery journey as a lifelong recovering addict will begin when he returns home …..

      I will encourage him to support others along his journey and hope to share this with you

      I will keep you posted

      Forever a loving mum x

    • #23358

      Hi Wagtail,

      We have spoken previously. I’m glad your son is finally getting the support and advice he needs. More especially as he’s ex marine.

      I think and pray often for us all on this website and hope our boys will see the light and turn their lives around.

      Helping others is a good step towards recovery.

      I look forward to hearing his progress, yes, we are all victims of these terrible and destructive addictions. I hope and pray that life improves for all on this forum. It’s good to hear positive news.

      Take care of you too ❤


    • #23392

      Hi Wagtail,

      Its good to read your post.

      Thankyou for supporting others.

      All the best.

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