Recovery is heart breaking

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    • #4451

      My son has fought to stay sober for 9. Months….for those that know me, it’s been highs and lows….3 weeks ago the lows reached rock bottom….my son had a mental break down… got in the way,you see….worrying about cuts at work, would he still have a job, worrying about is nan who is very ill, low self esteem…..things that you and me can cope with….for him ,this was too much….over the last 3 weeks I have been with him every step of the way…taken him to appointments, talked in the early hours, hugged together, cried together, had a family session with his psychiatrist, doctors appointments, checking he is taking his anti depressants…..his counsellor has been a great support..had it not been for her, we could still be waiting for that urgent help….one day at a time is the only way we can take things, but for now, he is calm….addiction is a bast@@, but the toughest fight is recovery…….

    • #9233

      Hey sweet. Thinking of you and your son. Bless you. Xx x

    • #9235

      So sorry to hear the latest about your son. You are really amazing and he is very lucky to have had such a strong mum supporting him. Thinking of you. Really hope things get better for you all.

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