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    • #5883

      After my son had a meltdown, after detoxing from heroin, he promised he wouldn’t take it again. However, he wasn’t answering his phone, he lives 2 hours away from us, and so I came down to see him. Found him in bed, he was vomitting for a few days, but seems to have recovered a bit. Says, the heroin was an old stash he found. We have arranged for him to speak to a drugs counsellor in the week, have had to come back home now, and pray it’s a momentary lapse. He is swearing he won’t take it again, but us still smoking weed, saying it helps him sleep ! It is hard not to worry, but feel I have to trust him, and that he is telling the truth for now.

    • #17131

      Have gone through this, its very hard to trust isn’t it, and so exhausting. I really hope things get better for all of you.

    • #17147

      Thank you, I hope so too. It’s difficult getting help, but they need to accept it too.

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