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    • #4061

      Mmy son is on drink and cocain he regularly comes home drunk and dissordally i have done everythink i can to help him last night i called the police my son is 38 he has lived here since hes relation ship broke up 8 years ago wehave my grand sons every 2 weeks 13 and 14 love them to bits i have put him out please tell me if i have done the right thing i have been everywhere to help him but just does same old same old again i am dissabled myself and i cant take it no more all hes money goes on it he has lost hes job i have not git the money to give to him please any help would be apriciated

    • #7928

      Well I have done the exact same thing Roselea, my son is 29yrs no children (thank god) can’t look after himself!! He has abused me that much and said the most horrible thing’s recently I really don’t think any amount of sorrie’s from him this time are going to work, like you I have been everywhere with him..For my own sanity I am going to have to keep him away from me… My heart goe’s out to you and his children, and I really hope this nightmare stop’s for you god bless xxx

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