Sad update

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    • #6376

      Hi. Some of you may remember my post about my 19 year old with addiction. My beautiful boy passed away on Xmas morning. I can’t cope and I am totally broken. Thank you all for your stories and sharing your experiences.

    • #20274

      Ty85, I’m not aware of your story but I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear of the loss of your son.

      I can’t imagine what you’re going through just now. I can only hope you have family and friends comforting you.

      Your story is every parent’s nightmare, my son has alcohol and cocaine addictions. You can only do your best for them, unfortunately alcohol and drugs can consume their lives if they don’t seek help.

      You are in my thoughts and prayers and hope you get the right support to help you through this difficult time.

      Take care


    • #20277

      I do remember your story TY85, I responded to your story. I’m so sorry I only wish there was more advice or support for you and your son.


    • #20405

      Ty85 I am so incredibly sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I can’t even begin to imagine what your going through right now but I would like to wish you all the very best wishes and again I send my deepest sympathies

    • #20430

      Hi Ty85

      I just read your post my deepest condolence to you and your family.

      I did not read your pervious post, but after reading this post I read your earlier post. It is extremely sad to hear this.

      Losing a loved one is very very hard. May god help you and please try and remain strong in this difficult time.

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