Scared for her

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    • #5706

      My daughter is 28 and is a drug addict I’ve been bringing her 5 year old daughter up for the past year. My daughter has drug dealers in her house the house is a real mess and she is about to be evicted. I’ve not seen her for a couple of weeks now and the last time I did she was dirty and looks dreadful, everyone’s tried helping but she doesn’t seem to want it, she lies goes out shoplifting and always seems to have a new boyfriend. I don’t know when or how it went to wrong she was such a good mum and the best daughter, it just breaks my heart to see her like this, but at the same time I don’t like her for what shes put her kids though. Everyones there for me but they dont really understand how I feel as shes still my daughter and it’s just breaks my heart and just dreading that knock on the door to say she dead

    • #16161

      Hi Jackie,

      Thanks for sharing your story. I can imagine the heartbreak you are going through.

      I am glad that you have people there for you but if you would like some support from some one who is trained and experienced in this, and would understand what you are dealing with, please contact us at The Icarus Trust.

      We are a charity that offers support to people like yourself dealing with the addiction of a family member. If you think it would help please contact us and I will put you in touch with one of our people who you could talk with.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Really hope that this will help.

    • #16173

      Hi Jackie as I’m talking from a addict side I hope I can be right and say I don’t think your daughter is obvious to what is happening around her, sometimes addiction gets you so bad it’s hard to see the real world. I’ve never ment your daughter but I’m talking from experience of my own I think she does want the help of but maybe so lost at the moment to take it. I no it’s a hard thing to try help some one that don’t seem to want it, my mum went through the same with me when I first had my addition but I always wanted it I was so always intoxicated and away with the fairy’s. I no you must feel like you don’t no what to do and can’t force your daughter to do things, just keep mentioning to her what she will lose , try get her soba for the conversation. I’m sorry for your circumstances x

    • #16175

      Thank you laylalay

      It’s nice to hear from someone that come out the other side .And hope my daughter will do the same, shes very clever in telling me what I want to hear but I’ve got wise to it all now the police are always raiding the house and she has dealers using the house , new years day she came to me so drugged up I had to ring police as I cant have it as iam bringing up her daughter . Why when she has such lovely kids but she doesn’t want them it’s all so sad. I took the kids away as she wasnt caring for them they have seen far to much. But they are both happy now and Ive got them off child protection xx

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