Secret alcoholic husband

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    • #7539

      Hi all, new to this. Will try to keep it brief.

      Husband and I have always been binge drinkers. Have a heavy one.. few days off..

      heavy one as in a few bottles shared.

      We moved house last year and he was promoted.

      Long story short, it gave unprecedented stress.

      When we moved to new home, he was medically diagnosed with a breakdown.

      He had 6 months off work but whilst he was meant to be recovering, he developed a secret vodka problem.

      Multiple times I would ask if he was drunk and he would deny it. Family and friends asked the same.

      We put it down to medication.

      One night he admitted it to me and took me to the garage and pulled out a few vodka bottles.. crying his eyes out.. saying he was in the worse place etc

      I was understanding and said we will get through it together. He said it wasn’t a problem – a bad Habit that made him forget how he felt….

      Months passed and he returned to working from home. I started to catch him out drunk. I found bottles stashed. I caught him guzzling one at 930am- his excuse was his friend on hard times had stressed him out

      We despite everything got married

      He swore on his life never again

      Then I caught him again – “because something hadn’t gone right with work”

      Fast forward a few of these:

      Two weeks ago I pulled out 14 empty bottles of vodka… “it was from my bad time”

      Today I ransacked the garage and pulled out another 9 bottles.

      Two were in the rubbish taken out this morning.

      He still claims he has no idea how they got there and is suggesting I am just saying it to stitch him up.

      Someone please help to give some advice!

    • #29615

      I have been that person hiding everything from everyone you feel guilty when you are sober but have another drink and justify it all to yourself. Rehab is the only thing that sorted me out.

      • #29662

        Is he guilty or more worried about hiding it?

        The times he’s done it – I don’t think he feels guilt anymore he’s just interested in hiding it?

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