Secret drinker

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    • #35337


      WhaT do you do with a secret drinker?

      My partner of 20 years is hiding wine and gin bottles around the house, and when I’m not looking, swigging out of them. She has empty cooking oil containers refilled with wine, empty plastic water bottles filled with wine and tonic in the kitchen.

      I have said it to her that I’m  ot thick and know what she’s doing, she keeps promising to stop and doesn’t know what she does it, as we’d often have a glass of wine, no secrets, but I think that’s just not enough for her.

      She falls asleep most nights on the couch but blames the early morning starts for work, but I can smell her breath and know its from drinking.

      Not sure what to do anymore, and I’m quite worried for her.

      Any suggestions?



    • #35775

      If she says she’s willing to stop has she contacted any local alcohol services? I completely understand your situation its very difficult.

    • #35808

      Hi there,

      I’m afraid that your partner has a serious problem and is heading towards advanced stages of alcoholism. I suspect that there is a lot of horror that you’re not mentioning.

      I would advise you to leave and make your own future. Are you away a lot and this is the only reason that it’s lasted this long?

      Very good luck for the future.


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