Self Esteem Issues

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    • #6736

      Hi all, just wondering if anyone has got any advice for self esteem issues?

      Both my parents were alcoholics and with all the horrible stuff that goes with it, I have become an adult with quite deep self esteem issues. I have spoken to a counsellor which has helped, and I feel I have some techniques to help me when I am not feeling great about myself (working out, music, listing things I like about myself) and a lot of the time these things help.

      However sometimes I just feel so bad about myself and I don’t believe all the things I thought I liked about myself. It’s almost like I am 2 people, sometimes I think wow I’m great, Iv dealt with so much adversity and made it through and then other times I think I’m literally the most pathetic and undesirable person. I really want to stop feeling like that. I know everyone has bad days but I treat myself so badly and beat myself up about things and I just need ways to improve my confidence and self esteem.

      Any one know what I mean and can offer advice?


    • #23267

      Hi Salboo. Yes I go through the exact same thing. We get into these patterns. I have started writing positive notes to myself and sticking them on the wall. Plus I keep a journal of my feelings and include little positive notes and inspirations to remind myself of my journey forward.

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