Sertraline – anyone got experience of this antidepressant?

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    • #6379

      So when I asked my gambling and alcohol addicted fiancé to go and stay with his parents about two months ago (beginning of October) he finally went to the doctors who prescribed him with Sertraline and recommended he have counselling (due to start in January because of Covid). I presume the diagnosis was depression but he’s never said. Since then, he’s been taking the tablets and is better than he was but still drinks – not as much or as often but still slopes off sometimes and sometimes it is hidden. He’s also developed an almost obsession with the show Sons of Anarchy. He watches it constantly when at his mom’s (where he went to stay) and has now started to buy all the T shirts, jumpers and even a necklace which is quite odd really. However, I know that being weirdly obsessed with a TV show is miles better than gambling on machines all day or drinking his life away. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with Sertraline as an addict or someone who knows one as I don’t know if what I’ve read online about it making cravings worse might be true. Any help or experiences gratefully received

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