Sex and addiction

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    • #7280

      Am sorry for the cringe worthy title.

      To give a bit of background, my husband and I have been together since 1984, married in 1991, he is my world,he is a kind and loving man, BUT he is an addict, smack, crack pills you name it.. we have had many ups and downs but our bond got us through.

      Lately though, as we have gotten older I have been receiving the blame for a lot of it. He says the lack of intimacy etc has made him worse, now all the years he was a really full blown addict sex was the last thing on my mind as I coped with daily life, but now am feeling rotten, could I have made the difference with a little more effort??

    • #27126

      Nope not your fault ,tell him if he wants to blame anyone for lack of intimacy then maybe look towards himself, you have stood by him he should thank his stars he has a strong loving wife

    • #27148

      Thank you, I begin to doubt myself so badly.. he won’t accept responsibility for it I know, just wish he would appreciate me

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