Sick of it

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    • #5343

      My wife is a alcoholic drinking every day and lots of it. Having stopped drinking wine 6 yrs ago due to getting reported to social services by my eldest daughter for scragging her she said she wouldn’t touch wine again however now it’s cider. She never stopped I had to goto AA meetings to help support her but now I have had enough I feel suicidal I took loads of tablets last year but this resulted in a bad stomachache.

      My daughters stand by her saying she is ok but drinking at least 6 – 10 pints every day is ok I am at an all time low now and I feel would I be missed? I have no friends as I’m not allowed them I have no other family left I’m approaching 50 and had a few heart attacks in the past she says I should be grateful she has stood by me. I hate alcohol so much and as for the 50cigs she smokes daily it’s like kissing a sewer. I was asked by Samaritan’s where do I want to be in a years time you can guess my answer there is no support I have no where to go and she is getting us into so much debt it’s unreal so I guess I can’t take anymore

    • #13260

      I dropped 2 bottles of LG cider tonight my god I have performed such a sin she blew up we had an argument then I went to work she borrowed money of my daughter to buy another 8 cans oh and chocolate for the girls as a sorry for losing her temper

    • #13262

      Your story is so sad. It must be hard as your girls are involved. Please keep looking into support for you I’m new to site today. I can’t offer any tried and tested help but like you I am looking to get support as I have no idea what the next step should be for me. Thank you for posting your story.

    • #13263

      I’m at wits end now I really don’t think I can carry on much longer I’m so depressed I’m no longer taking insulin or meds I just can’t be bothered

    • #13264

      My sister is an alcoholic. She was drinking every day and had a violent temper. After years of physical and mental abuse her husband had had enough. He was mentally drained. He told her to leave. She lost her husband, her son, her home, pets, in fact her whole life .

      This was the turning point. After me forcing her to go to AA she realised she is in fact an alcoholic. After abstaining she has realised she can function perfectly without a drink inside her, feels much better in herself and doesn’t lash out verbally and physically anymore.

      She has now got back to her family. Without her husband doing this she would have carried on and he would not have had her back. She has had a couple of relapses but still seems to be doing well. AA Meetings are the key to her succeeding, she knows this and if she misses one she relapses.

      Her husband doesn’t enable her by buying her drinks though. She used to sneak out, buy it and hide it. Her son didn’t think his mum drinking was ok. He hated seeing his mum in a state and causing arguments and fighting.

      You need to start looking after yourself.

    • #13280

      Dear Psighco,

      It sounds like this is all taking a serious toll on your well being. Your GP should be able to help you, either by pointing you in the direction of specialised alcohol family support or by attending to your health directly.

      Best wishes

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