Sister out of control

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    • #5046

      I’m 19 and currently at uni living away from home. My sister has just turned 17 and at home, and she’s in a bad group of friends who are a negative influence as she now smokes cigarettes and cannabis.

      She gets angry and upset every time someone tries to tell her what she’s doing is wrong. And every time my mum tries to speak to her about it she will say everyone’s on her case and always assumes she’s doing wrong. I’m worried about her but every time anyone tries to show worry and try and help she gets really angry and no one knows how to control it. Her attitude is that she doesn’t care if it’s wrong and she will do what she wants, and she’s started speaking to everyone with complete disrespect.

      I’m worried about my mum too because she is having to deal with all this and it makes her so sad and worried all the time. – she’s a strong lady but I just worry a lot especially when I’m not at home for her to speak to. My brother, my mum and I are all a bit lost with what to do as we can just see it escalating and it getting worse and worse.

      I’m worried this is going to escalate into more dangerous drugs, and I don’t know what the answer is as every time I try and discuss it, it ends in a massive row and nothing gets solved.

      I don’t know what advice anyone can give but hopefully voicing my worry or knowing I’m not the only one experiencing this would help.


    • #11223

      Hi Lisa, my son starting smoking cannabis at school. He then progressed to cocaine and has been taking it for the past 10 years. It has ruined his relationships, his family and children. If I had known then what I know now about taking cannabis I would have really taken it more seriously and cracked down on him.

    • #11352

      Hi , this is a difficult situation and understandably worrying. My daughter also 17 started with cannabis and is now addicted to Xanax. A drug I haven’t heard mentioned on here.

      The problem is probably the friends she’s hanging around with, peer pressure etc

      Hopefully she won’t take this any further. Yes it’s worrying she smokes cannabis , if this is all she does and doesn’t progress to anything else then that really is a blessing .

      Hope this helps ?

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