So tired

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    • #5431

      10 years of doing coke. Last 5 years every other day or 3 days. Married. 2 kids. Depressed, lonely, feeling of worthlessness. Tired of life. Seams like the only way out is to sleep. Sleeping for days on end then binging for days. It’s not fun at all. Tried to stop so many times tried everything most stoped for us about 1 month. Nothing anybody can say changes anything. Just everybody say a prayer for me if u believe in god to help me to feel happy again and end this waking nightmare

    • #13879

      Are you on it now mate? Im lapsing once a month on coke aswell give or take. Just take babysteps. What are you doing to stop?

    • #13880

      Nothing works. No will power. It’s got this hold on me. First 2 lines just to feel normal then down hill from there. A g or 2 a day. Then 2/3 days in bed. Then repeat. I don’t know on a come down Know. Please someone out there who’s been in a similar position of long term daily abuse how they stoped

    • #13892

      Just start by taking each day as it comes. Stay soba for today only keep telling your self. And if i was you id do a calender each and for each day.. write some thing down on each day.. for something to do and stick to it.. a long walk.. decorate.. read a book. Gym.. any hobbies..

      It does work.. but u also need to delete your dealers num. Change your phone. Delete social media

    • #13893

      Whats your wife say??

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