Something needs to change

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    • #7595

      First time ever writing something like this. I’ve been addicted s to cocaine for a few years now. At first it was just every other weekend but now it’s very frequent. Im still keeping everyday life going but it’s getting a lot harder. I’m worried I’m going to lose everything. My mental health has been getting progressively worse and I’m using to block it out, but in turn its only adding too my self destruction. I don’t have many help centers near by and im too scared to tell my family.

      If anyone reads this, please give some advice

    • #30138

      As a alcoholic and cocaine addict I understand what your going through. It broke my heart when my mom found out I was doing coke but I’m glad she did cause she stepped in and helped me get the help I needed. You will lose everything trust me I did. The great thing is you are aware of the problem. Go talk to your family and get treatment. You got this!

    • #30180

      Thank you for replying, means alot I’m not alone. Hope you are keeping well

      It’s hard but I’m taking the first steps. Just hope I can stick with it, seeking help as much as I can. If there’s any other advice you could give me I’d greatly appriciate it

    • #30181

      Treatment was my first step. I went and got help and stayed sober for a year and half but slipped. Relapsing happens and it’s okay if it does happen. Your fragile, so don’t beat yourself up. Remain strong! Get to meetings and get a support group.

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