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    • #5466

      I’ve rescently found out my son took coke due to being arrested for domestic abuse. The police took a test on him which showed coke in he’s body has well as alcohol. His ex also showed signs of coke and alcohol. He still lives with me and he’s father but he only seems to talk to us when he’s had a drink. He normally comes back from work and stays in he’s bedroom. He’s 29 years old and has s daughter of 4 years old which he sees on a regular basis from another relationship. He works 6 days out of 7 and has done this for years I’m just uncertain and worried of what he will become.

    • #14260

      My ‘husband’ abused alcohol and sniffed cocaine.

      Before this he was a hardworking man and a lovely husband. Afterward he became a monster, he wasn’t violent but he was evil with his words. He eventually didn’t go to work regularly, letting people down as he is self employed.

      Getting hammered and sniffing coke was his priority to get rid of the stress due to his trial looming. He would spend all his time in the spare room sleeping off his comedown. He would have nightmares and was always feeling ill. He said he had the flu but the nosebleeds, sniffling, stomach cramps and blood in his stools all pointed to his coke taking.

      I’m now so much in debt. He owes family and friends money, credit cards bills, loans and I have to deal with his failing business. This is what became of him. Not good news I’m afraid, cocaine ruins lives.

      I wish you all well.

    • #14261

      Sorry to hear this it must be very hard for you. I’m still shocked to find out about him using Cocaine but I know now that we won’t be lending money etc to him. He doesn’t do it in our house as far as I know but If we do he will have to leave. We have asked if he needs help and support but he said he only tried it twice and didn’t like the come down. Time will tell and no doubt the truth will come out it always does.

      Wishing you well

      • #14266

        Thank you. It’s been hard now for fourteen months.

        The comedown is not good but the feeling after taking it must be worth it or I wouldn’t be in this position.

        It is now a social thing to do, having a drink and sniffing a line, or two, or three depending on if you are out all night with your mates. All my husbands mates do it and their other halves. It’s the norm so it’s like asking someone if they want a drink, do you want a line?

        i really do hope that he has only tried it twice and will never be tempted again. My ‘husband’ swore on his dads life that he hadn’t had any for four years, but a cousin confirmed he was taking it regularly and was shocked at all the lies he is now telling folk. Something he had never been known for before.

    • #14287

      Thank you I hope so too. Hopefully we will both see light at the end of the tumnel

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