Son been home from rehab a week and using again

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    • #6934

      Hi I am truly sorry it had come to this for myself for asking complete strangers for help. Please let me say I’m a quiet person keep my problems to myself and also deal with them myself , but I’m on the point of giving up on everything.

      My son had a cocaine addiction for many months and after finding out me and his father sent him straight to an intensive rehab , he was doing great In there , looking like his old self and speaking like the son I love ! He’s been home a week and we think he’s using again old patterns of behaviour re-emerging, my family can’t go through this again although I love my son with all my heart he’s slowly killing all of us ? Please any advice would be welcomed x

    • #24696

      Hi Faye,

      Welcome to the Forum, so sorry you are going through this, it’s like living in hell.

      I am also the Mum of an addict (alcohol and cocaine), he has also been to Rehab twice, and like your Son he has relapsed. You think that you are giving them a great opportunity to go to Rehab and try and turn their life around, but Addiction is an illness and unfortunately they do relapse, not everyone, but some more than others I think.

      My Son started again yesterday by joining a meeting on line and he told me this morning that he had said his prayers. They learn so much in Rehab, and then have to try and continue in the outside world, which I appreciate is hard, but they all have choices to make, we have to hope they make the right ones.

      Have a look at the Theresa thread, there are quite a few Mums on there who are dealing with Addiction, it’s a great place to chat with other people in a similar situation.

      The Icarus Trust sometimes post on here, but you can also email them I think.

      Please take care of you and your Family first. Keep in touch on here.


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