Son with addiction

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    • #7589

      Hi l I’m new to this forum and would like to share my story with you. My 26 year old son has been drinking vodka daily for over 4 years. It was really bad 2 years ago and he moved away from the area and he started to realise how bad he had got and cut down a bit but not completely and was still in denial. He met a partner moved in with him and his mum and with their help got considerably better. He got mote help with his mental health and seemed to be controlling his drinking. He had a bad accident while drunk a year ago broke his back fractured his skull ripped half his ear off it was awful. He was housebound for 6 months looked after by his partner and his mum and said he would never drink again. I finally had my baby back because he didn’t for 6 months and seemed to be over the worst and recovering. But that changed when he left the house for the first time alone and brought vodka. He got kicked out and lost his partner who he loved dearly. He found a flat still drunk but not as bad than I would get constant messages asking for money. He than moved met someone else and moved in with him said he was getting help and got caught secretly drinking and again got kicked out. Really don’t know how to deal with this anymore its consuming my life and has put pressure on my relationship. thank you for reading

    • #30034

      Hi Kazza, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story here.

      I’m sorry to read about your son’s addiction to alcohol and everything you’re going through.

      It’s heartbreaking to watch your loved one destroying their lives and to be constantly worried and stressed with everything that comes with addiction.

      I wanted you to know that there’s no need to feel alone in this nightmare.

      The Adfam homepage offer advice and support, as do Drugfam and the Icarus trust. I , myself usually post on the Theresa thread, we are all mums with sons at varying stages in their addiction/recovery.

      The ladies are so kind and supportive, and it’s nice to vent to others who understand what you’re going through.

      Click above to ” share your story ” and then scroll down until you see Theresa. It’s a long thread as there’s many of us on it. Also, there are some people in recovery offering support and advice too, read Danman83 or Jamesb posts.

      Please take time out for yourself, confide in someone close, look after your own health and well-being.

      My son is 29yr and has alcohol and cocaine addictions. Thankfully a couple of years ago, he reached out for support and joined AA and CA groups. It’s been tough, but he’s currently over 1yr clean. It has to be their own decision to quit, you can’t make them do it. That’s why, in the meantime, you have to take of you and any other family members first and foremost.

      Always hear to chat,

      Stay strong ❤️


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