soul destroyed.angry and really hurting

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    • #4186

      Last night my son ended up sleeping in the stair well of some flats….he is eighteen yeears of age doing Mkat daily and has an alcohol and a gambling problem also…He has been squatting at the flat that he was evicted from and now they have boarded up the windows and doors making him homeless.

      Today he has been to see his probation officer and spun them an elaborate story about his step father taking drugs and me tolerating it from him but not my son….It is complete rubbish….I am so upset that he is trying to drag his family down with him I have tried and tried relentlassly to help him infact i am the only member of family that does…Today I have come to the end of my tether and have told him to stay away from us I am so angry and upset at the lies he is coming out with to make people feel sorry for him and the arguments that he is causing within the family..Feel really down

    • #8271

      oh hunni, you have been there for that lad, done what you can…..I know myself its hard to stay away fro your kids when they are on drugs, but Ive also come to learn that they will continue to drag us down with them whilst we let them. It sounds like you have come to the end of your line. Dont feel like you have let your son down…the only one who has done that is him. MCat is a vile drug, and very addictive… son’s choice at the moment because its so cheap….Stay strong and stick to your guns hunni..use that anger and hurt and chanel it… he will always be your son, but dont let him ruin what you and your family have..Its his addiction not yours……I will always be there for my son, but NOT whilst he on drugs… money, no help, happy to feed him, but thats it!!! Here if you need any support..big hugs xxx Susie

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