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    • #4072

      Well where do I start, this is all alien to me nod words can’t explain how I’m feeling. This should be the happiest time of my life but it’s being masked by my drug addict boyfriend.i first met my boyfriend 13 years ago and after a brief encounter we went our separate ways. Then in September 2012 I was standing in my sons school playground, which I never do school runs, and there he was, my heart melted and we spoke exchanged numbers but I didn’t thing I would see him again. Then in November I had a phone call out of the blue and it was him, asking me to lunch. I didn’t say no and with that I met him and haven’t been apart from each other since. I knew he was a user by the third day of seeing him, I ask myself why didn’t I run the other way ? I believe people deserve a second chance so hung in there. I then threw my husband out of the family home, and shortly after my partner moved in with me. We have had our hard times due to kids playing up people making up story’s etc. but we stayed strong. But the drug use has had many forms over the twelve months from sever dependency, to nothing at all. Then back to dependency and now going along the lines of out of control. I’m paying for this and it’s happening to me, but I feel so alone and in the wrong to allow this to happen to me. Any advice would be great as I can’t talk to anyone about this and am all alone

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