Story unfolding…

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    • #4004

      I have a 25yr old son living at home and increasingly feel he is using drugs – coccaine. I think he might only be a weekend user when at the same time consuming copious amounts of alcohol. His moods come Monday are unbearable – agressive/abusive behaviour, total lack of respect for either my husband or me or our home which he lives very comfortably. His personal cleanliness is somewhat to be desired and it is like treading on egg shells 100% of the time (even when he is not around!). We find it very difficult to deal with leaving my husband and me at total loggerheads and constanty arguing abut his behaviour etc. We have asked him to leave the family home many times due to his behaviour but he refuses and tells us to leave. Have brought in the police to deal with him on a number of occasions but they just give him a ticking off and ask him to stay away a couple of days until things cool down. At a total loss what to do but just to walk away and leave them to it…

    • #7833

      My best advise for you is “tough love”! What I mean by that is kick him out of your house without any funds, do not give in to him when he plays his apology card, show him you mean business! Reclaim your own life and show him he no longer has control! If for some reason your husband doesn’t or won’t agree to it then pack your things find a loved one to stay with and tell him he and your son can do whatever. Show them that you are taking your life back and rejoicing about it! If they want you in their lives they will respect your demands, if not, then you will still be able to be in peace as you continue living for you and not for his attention getting ways! God bless and stay strong!

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