Struggling to cope

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      I’m new here, came across the site on Google and hoping someone has advice for me.

      My husband has an alcohol and drug problem – more so with alcohol but they tend to go hand in hand. He drinks 3/4 nights a week. Not just a casual few pints, he has to get hammered. This results in arguments when he comes home. He says I don’t understand etc. He will also lie and say he hasn’t drank much when quite clearly he has. I have found empty packets of cocaine in his pockets before. He knows I check now so he doesn’t bring any bags home but it’s apparent when he has used. This has been going on for around 2 years

      when he isn’t drinking he is great but it’s taking over and I find myself constantly on edge and anxious when he’s not home from work at the normal time – usually gone to the pub

      He will not seek help. I have asked repeatedly and he says he will but he never does. He doesn’t want to go to a group but I don’t know what else there is. I feel like I am at the end of the rope. I cannot continue with this the way it’s going. I have 2 children to think about.

      Any helpful advise on where to go from here?

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