Suicide threats, bulimia, drinking to excess, anxiety and low esteem

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    • #5497

      My 27 year old daughter is in and out of relationships, when she’s in one she the happiest girl in the world. However she has insecurities and jealousy straights that show up in the relationship and inevitable the relationship ends and she moves back home with us , her safety net. She sends suicide threats by text- so far they have only been threats, but are really cries for attention; she is bulimic after every meal; she can’t seem to hold down a job; she binge drinks to the extreme most weekends and through the Week whenever she can with whomever she can find to drink with; she doesn’t want to spend hardly any time with us and seem content just to live in her bedroom and watch soap after soap on the tv; she is always telling me how ugly and fat she is and who would want to love this?! Both me and my husband have been so supportive, over the years, but it’s getting to breaking point. We are due to go on holiday for 2 weeks and are seriously stressed at leaving her . We have an 18 year old son who is more responsible, but can also see what she is doing to herself and told us to go on holiday and he will look after ! We need to get her help, we need help, we’ve tried all sorts over the years and nothing is working? She’s currently taking depression medication and diazepam, as after the last threat, last week, I rushed home from work and demanded I take her to the doctors, she came extremely reluctantly and verbally abusive to me, but broke down and cried when we came out and said sorry to me. She’s now been out all weekend on the booze and we haven’t seen or heard from her since Friday, we know she’s ok, as I ask her friends if they’ve seen her and they keep me updated ( much to her annoyance) but I can’t help myself. Sorry this is such a lengthy rant, first time on here, not sure what to hope for?

    • #14888

      Oh my word Mazza your daughter is really putting herself and you and your family through the wringer! Your son is so kind offering to look after her while you have your holiday which you must take. Maybe he can talk to her and encourage her to talk to him. Sometimes siblings connect easier. So far you have done so much but she must want to get better. You can’t force her to seek help but be there when she decides she needs the professional help. So heartbreaking for you. Take care & I hope things are better for you all soon. Sending love. X

    • #14899

      Thank you for your encouraging words, all I can do is pray she gets some relief from the medication and that she will then feel like getting further help?! I live in hope ????????

    • #15564

      Hi Mazza,

      I’m so sorry that you are going through such a hard time supporting your daughter. It’s true, sadly, that she will not access help for herself until she accepts that she needs it.Lets hope that that happens soon.

      If you would like some support for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people like going through what you are. We offer trained and experienced people that you could talk to and a signposting service so that you can find out what other support is available in your area.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Good luck to you.

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