suicide watch

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    • #4462

      I’ve made the hardest decision ever and left my husband and the father of my child. after 8 long years together I can no longer stay. my little boy is seeing the effect alcohol is having on his dad, the arguments, the emotional abuse, the accusations, the loss of bowel control as well as the need/want to spend as little time with the kids and me as possible and as much as possible in the pub or passed out in bed.
      now I’ve decided to leave, he is threatening suicide to the kids and missing work. I’m worried for his job (that he’s just holding down) but more importantly for his life. whilst I cant go back, how do I protect him and the kids from this downward spiral. I feel stuck and don’t know where to turn. sorry for the ramble but once I started typing, I couldn’t stop. 🙁

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