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    • #5762

      Hi All , I recently separated from my husband as he is a Crystal Meth addict . We had been together for 5 years , He uses a lot more than I actually knew about until recently .

      My father passed away in January and I’ve been a mess to be honest . I’ve tried so hard for my husband to seek help for himself to be honest . But he refuses. Unfortunately my husband becomes very aggressive on this drug . I’ve had to change the locks etc.

      He on his head believes I threw him out , but I didn’t . I said he would have to stay in our other flat until he sought help. We would see each other everyday , but I needed to see his strength ,

      We have been apart for around 5 weeks and it has broken me . I’ve lost my father and my husband in 10 weeks. I’ve never used a forum before, i am a MH professional , so I’m very hard on myself , I am scared of my husband when he takes this drug , but it’s like I’m the mistress . He hates me at the moment , I’m the issue, I rejected him . It’s so not true , I rejected the chaos that the addiction causes , I don’t hate him.

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