Taking a big step

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    • #5832

      I have been with my partner for 11 years. We both work and live with our two children.

      My partner has been using cocaine on and off for around 8 years, he doesn’t take it every day but he will binge on it most weekends. I have always disagreed with this and I have tried so hard to make him realise how wrong it is. We have seen a doctor twice over the last few years and he also had counselling two years ago but he didn’t stick to it and said he didn’t need it. He lies to me a lot and he gets himself into debt. It has got to a point where I feel he has lost all respect towards me, he knows how I feel about it but doesn’t seem to care anymore. I have tried everything I can, he says he doesn’t need help and its just what he enjoys to do, it’s a habit. He doesn’t do it whilst around the children or myself but its always a constant worry.

      This isn’t the life I want for myself, my children and for him. I know I can’t change him and he knows how upset it makes me feel but he clearly doesn’t care. It also causes a lot of stress which my children are picking up on. He always says he isn’t going to do it but then he will. I don’t know what to do, we keep on going around in circles but it’s gone on for a long time and I feel I need to step away but I am scared. He is so lovely during the week, he works hard and is great with the children.

      I try to always speak to him about it but he doesn’t like to talk and thinks I am nagging him. Please could you give me some advice

    • #16720

      Hi Roseanne

      Thank you for sharing your story. It’s really difficult for you I can see.

      Please contact us at The Icarus Trust if you think we could help. We are a charity that provides support for people in similar situations to yourself, trying to cope with a partner’s addiction. If you contact us we can put you in touch with one of our trained and experienced’Family Friends’ who you could talk with.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      All the best.

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