Teenage son addicted to cannabis

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    • #5935

      Hi, any help or guidance would be so helpful

      My 15 year old is addicted to cannabis and it’s tearing our family apart. He’s changed so much and it’s so tough seeing him this way. He says he wants to get off it but shows no sign of moving towards that. He’s totally disengaged from any school work, stopped all his fitness and just doesn’t seem to care about anything

      I’ve been a single mum for 10 years and my son and I have a good relationship, he’s very loved and supported and I’m trying to understand that it’s not just as easy as stopping the cannabis but it’s like he’s just throwing his life away

      I’ve become quite isolated as I don’t Want family and friends to judge him but I feel I need some support from anyone who’s where I am or been there

      Thank you

    • #17426


      Thanks for sharing your story. It’s such a hard situation that you are in and I’m not surprised that you feel you need some support. I’m sorry that you feel isolated from your family and friends.

      Perhaps you would like to contact us at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers help to people, like yourself, who are dealing with a family member’s addiction. If you contact us we can put you in touch with one of our Family Friends. These are our trained and very experienced people who would listen to you and would help you to find a way forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      I hope this helps.

      Good luck.

    • #17484

      Hi. My son is the same. He is now17. Missed the last year of school. He has been using it since 14 I think. I’ve stopped giving him money. But he now works so has his own money. He doesnt pay me any board. I have been on my own with him since he was 3. So difficult. I cant make him see that he has potential etc and it is just heartbreaking for all his family but he doesn’t seem to care or want to change x

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