That didn’t last long…too good to be true :(((

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    • #35959

      I posted on here a while ago about how drug addicts can change and how my partner had stopped using.

      well he got to 3 months and decided he would celebrate that with some more crack and booze.

      so I tried to stay but we argued a lot and my poor daughter was witness to it all

      two weeks ago I had to throw him out I just couldnt take it anymore. Every Friday awake all night into Saturday day leaving paraphernalia about then passing out by Saturday afternoon or night not to wake till Sunday or sometimes Monday.

      I’m so upset I know it’s for the best but really struggling as I loved him so much and  I just lost my best friend (not to drugs) and I feel so alone.

      I know I have my child but I’m just so low non stop crying I can’t pull myself out of this shit feeling.

      I hate what drugs has done to my family it’s destroyed is



    • #35963

      I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. It’s terrible to go through. My partner drinks regularly which I can cope with but goes on these crack binges whenever he has free cash. It took me a long time to realise what he was upto disappearing and turning his phone off etc.  Four years ago it all came to light. I gave him the ultimatum and things calmed down but it has always still been there and I just put up with it. Lately he had more funds and the problem is worse than ever like every 2 weeks an he comes back skint. Promise after promise he will change. It has me on pins and I feel at my wits end. Anyway he did it again on Thursday and I won’t let him back in ( it’s my tenancy not his). Normally I get the begging but this time he’s agreed to go to the Salvation Army. I suppose one part ov me is relieved as it’s so hard to live with all the lies and behaviour but on the other I will miss the good times when he’s normal but they have become less and less. I know the problem will worsen in the Salvation Army and then it’s game over for me I will have to try and move on. It’s so hard but I’ve accepted it’s not my drug problem and I don’t deserve the shit I put up with. I’m just like you it’s so hard to let go but it’s just unmanageable to live with . It’s difficult but we have no say over what other people do. I just hope to get some stability back in my life. I hope you know your not on ur own in this position and I really hope things go your way

    • #35982

      Thank you for your message x it’s nice to know I’m not alone but I’m also sorry to that you are also suffering the same as I am.
      It’s the same problem as I know my ex is off the rails now he’s on his own living the life I guess he wants… but I know he doesn’t want it but he can’t stop either.
      I wish it could stop, bloody drugs ruin lives . My hearts broken still.

      it’s hard to go on without them when they have been a part of your life for so long xxx but we definitely need to find ourselves again and try and remember the pain they caused us.

      I soent most weekends crying when he was here now I’m crying coz he’s not here madness xxxx

      I hope you’re ok x

    • #36042

      Exactly the same here, been stuck in the same merry go round for 2 years he almost made 6 months before the tell tale signs started and he was back out for weeks, phone off ignoring everyone, missed his rotation for work, spent thousands, it seems to be when he has money the demon creeps back into his head and starts all the nastiness just waiting to snap and off he goes, I hate it I hate him and I wish I could leave, the behaviours are awful embarrassing and hurtful and yet every time he comes crying back I can’t leave him in the gutter with nothing, he literally ends up with nothing everyone hates him he hasn’t got a penny no where to live no one to go to he would just stay there until he died, I’m past the point of having a relationship that’s gone but i can’t leave him to kill himself when he tries so hard when he’s clean he really does it’s just soul destroying all of it ????

    • #36081

      It is soul destroying because of yours is like mine without these poxy drugs he is a good good man with a heart of gold. He’s destroying himself but also dragged us down with him.
      my ex has been gone a month and I miss him we talk and I’m completely torn between my head and my heart.
      I said I would go and visit him next week to see where he’s at and if he realises how shit his life is without us.
      mine holds down a job it’s once a weekend but also drinking too heavily.
      if he doesn’t want to change then I can’t and won’t have him back.
      I will be there as a friend but that’s it.
      my heart is broken but I have to protect my child from seeing the states he gets in.

      drugs are the absolute worst destroys everything and everyone

    • #36093

      Reading this thread has shattered my heart into a million pieces; this is my life! I am absolutely beyond heartbroken this time, and cannot understand why it keeps happening over and over again!

      I wish I could make him see, make him realise!!


      I am devasted that you are going through this too… 🙁



    • #36600

      Hello x

      so sorry Bella boo, I hope you’re ok xxx it’s just soul destroying !!!
      my ex is trying hard he’s stopped using drugs but it’s been a month so let’s not hold my breath he got to three mths last time but it’s drink that is just as bad. That’s a massive trigger but I don’t think he will give that up.

      he knows me and him won’t ever be back together unless he stops it all now he’s saying he realises what he’s lost…. But it’s hard to believe anything that he says now .


      just time I’m happier without him and it’s what I needed to do xx

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