The daughter

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    • #7236

      Hi.. I have wrote and deleted this first line so many times feeling rather silly.

      Basically I am 30years old, my dad became an addict when I was 8years old, Iv seen things that no child should ever have to see.

      Everyday I am in constant worry that today is the day I get the phone call that he has has had an overdose or some sort. 22years Iv had these thoughts but for some reason the past year I seem to be struggling so much more than I can ever remember and I don’t know why! I feel like in a way I grieve for someone who is still here, grieving for the dad he was before the drugs… I have always loved him and been the daddy’s girl but it hurts so much every single day wondering if today is the day I get the phone call ????. This is his Lifestyle and being in his late 50s it won’t change.

      I don’t really know what my reason for writing here is tbh.. Mayb just feel like no one around me understands and that I am kind of alone with the sadness and anxiety of this.

    • #26803

      Hi mate, I’m sorry if this is a little vague but obviously there’s alot of questions I’d need to ask to get a better understanding of what your situation is. But firstly just know, you are not alone, there is help available out there. Im not a professional and can’t give you specifics but there will be information on the Internet that can point you in the right direction.

      Have you spoken to your dad about your concerns? Are you close with him? Do you have anyone you think you could turn to for support, even if initially they might not understand everything but having someone just to offload to may really help.

      The people on this forum are great and I know they will always try their best to support anyone so I’m glad you found your way here.

      Stay strong mate, there’s a light at the end of every tunnel x

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