The dreaded phone Call…….. :(

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      ” Mummy you and Daddy built me, why can’t we build him again”
      That’s our 4yr old Daughter, it’s been 15weeks today I got that dreaded phone call to say he was found dead, no point sugar coating things as the reality of Drug addiction is heartbreaking, soul destroying , devastating and my god a lonely place. He was 34 and always up for a party but for some reason the party never seemed to stop his drug of choice was cocaine….. No one I have ever known had died from this so why would it ever catch up with him, I tried soooooooo many times to help but in the end I gave up because he was just having a good time, so he said……the party finally ended on the 26th September 2014 he was Alone I’m sure scared and on a public footpath , I’m still not sure of the full details as the toxicology reports come back next month, but my reason for sharing my story is the one little person who deserved so much more from let’s face it her Daddy as he never thought it would happen to him, she is the absolute image of her Dad so she will never forget him as she only has to look in the mirror……it’s the whirlwind of emotions that are left behind….so anyone Reading this please stop and think for one minute how it effects the rest of someone else’s life…this is the end of mine and our Daughters family story as we have lost our 3rd musketeer but I have no doubt in my mind if he knew what he knew now he would have changed it in a heartbeat! Lou

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