The Man Who Lost Everything

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    • #4593

      I once knew a man who had everything. He was smart, funny, had a home, a partner, a job and a family of his own, but this was not to be forever.
      Of an evening coming home from work, he thought he’d have a can or two to relax and get over the stresses of the day. Then he also thought he’d have “a few cans” of a weekend, to wind down from the week and have fun. The “few cans” of a weekend started to be accompanied by a few bottles. With a relaxing fun weekend being turned into being wasted away, falling asleep on the sofa. The few drinks of a night turned into “maybe a can” before work to keep him going through the day. The long distance and loving relationship with his wife turned into abusive arguments, treating her as a servant and paranoid accusations accompanied with threats. The relationship with his family turned sour as they witnessed and experienced the same behaviour, and were no longer willing to tolerate it. One by one, the people who he held dearest walked out of his life, until he was only left with his alcohol and his cat to keep him company. Slowly he started to lose his memory, missing whole hours at a time. Not remembering how he got to work or the conversations he had with the manager. The doctors telling him he has depression, but with no clue of how or why he has it. His home is untidy and he is in much debt, having to starve to pay off the rent. The only reason he is still around is because he wonders “Who will look after the cat when I’m gone?”

      This was once a man I knew who had everything. Please do not let this happen to you or your loved ones.

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