The prodigal son

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      i got a call last weekend, it was 8am and my brother had turned up on my father’s doorstep after 20 odd years. I had seen him in those intervening years, gradually watching his decline and the vicious circle of bedsit to homeless to friends floor,which was his life. Unable to keep a job any money or possessions. I had tried to help, give food rather than money, I knew where the money would go. I was angry my dad can’t cope with my brother, he blames himself in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. He is an expert manipulator my brother, manages to get everyone running around after him, time and time again. What did he want now? To make amends with our father. Great timing as he stood there dirty cold pathetic from sleeping rough the previous night, with the addition of a black eye given by his former friend/landlord. I was angry so flippen angry at him, I had warned him 5 years ago where his life was going how the pot would take everything and it has. So he’s back,wanting a fresh start says he’s off the pot and in the first week it does appear that he has broken the addiction that has controlled him for those missing 20 years. So he is getting ‘one last chance’ has he changed? I guess time will tell ….he knows one sign of trouble and he will be out. Yes I took him in originally for one night but if he is to turn his life around he will need support. It is so hard to even be civil towards him I hate him for what he’s done to my family. I have never taken him in before but this is my home not a hotel, he does not have a key, he leaves the house when I do and I won’t leave him on his own. It will take a long time, if ever to rebuild what he has destroyed. I wish all addicts could see themselves as there families see them and stop and turn their lives around before it’s too late. To anyone who has a loved one in the early stages of drug dependency I’d say it’s not your fault, protect yourself and practice tough love. I hope my brother has turned over a new leaf, there seems little help out there for a 41 year old ‘child’

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