Time to get strong

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      S is 48 years of age we have a 11year old son and a 19 year old daughter
      My husband has being doing cocaine on and off for 6 years but i only found out about it about 18months ago when I told him he had to leave after his errattic behaviour..
      I could never leave him in house as he be wrecked i thought he was drinking i never thought was drugs … i would find wraps and he would blame visitors and even my daughter… i could never leave him with son as i thought he be drunk never knew was coke.
      He moved out and would ring crying asking for help and say if we were together he be ok i be scared to turn phone off as he say he was going to kill himself
      He had a breakdown and i couldnt cope with the guilt i took him back in January and I decided to really try hard as thought he like this cause our marriage failing .. He was ok for a bit and slowly if i left him with my son he be drunk or on coke .. He also had a few blips where he let us down and hide in hotels on his own in a room and do coke he says he dont know why .. I Sometime look at him and think mmmm is he on it now as he slurring i think maybe i imaging it
      I taking him to counsilling doctors as he dont know why he has blips…
      it came to a head Saturday i was in other room and my son said mum dad scaring me i ran in asked what going on he said nothing i just though son attention seeking
      I took son to footy 9.30 am and came backat 10am omg he was out of it really bad I lost it hit him pulled him why is he doing it ruining everything he says he dosent know
      He most of the time seems normal but seems once guard down he will get of it.
      He dosent even do with his mates he does on his own.
      My son now has asked me if he a Coke head ..
      What do i do help….

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