Time to leave my partner

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    • #4930

      Been with my partner for 4 years. Hes battled with herion misuse since been a teenager he is now 38. He seemed to have sorted himself out when i met him. And saw a councilor. The past 2 years hes been either heavily drinking vodka or using. Hes lied stole money. Stole my car. Spent all his money and i have been left to pay for the house on my own. I feel ill. Hes given me anxiety. If he wants money he gets aggressive to get it. Im not helping him im enabling him by avoiding the confrontation. Any advice please

    • #10318

      Hi Em,

      Thank you for telling your story. It is so hard to be in your situation and I understand how you feel you may be enabling him.

      Would it help to talk with trained and experienced people who would understand what you are dealing with? If so please contact us at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports people in situations like yourself, who are dealing with the affects of a loved one’s addiction. May be talking with one of our people would help you.

      You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Wishing you all the best.

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