Todays another day!!!

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    • #4175

      Sending out love, light, positivity and most of all peace for us all today xxx

    • #8209

      Hey hunni…hows your weekend been??? Hope your alright…sending love, light and positivity straight back to you…hugs, Susie xxx

    • #8211

      Hiya Susie, Its been quite thanks hun, shut myself off abit to tell you the truth. Not heard anymore on my son yet… still not seen or talked to my partner, his texting has stop now also.. So I think its over for real now 🙁 Can’t get my head round all that’s happened Susie, Im sure it will sink in eventually : ( I hope your bearing up my dear cyber friend xxx

    • #8214

      keep your chin up Fiona my love, another day is almost over, keep strong we will all get through these horrid times together, goodnight god bless to you both xxx

    • #8215

      Aw ta Sue and you love… Did you hear anymore from the hospital? Or your son? goodnight hun take care xxx

    • #8216

      Hey fi, give your partner some breathing space, sounds like you both need it at the moment.concentrate on your well being..I know its hard, but please try…..thinking of you xxxx

    • #8217

      I have Fiona, hes out of hospital seems it wasnt as bad as he led us to believe surprise surprise, on a more positive note he is now in the hands of the mental health team and has agreed to going through the detox programme yet again, not holdin my breath but crossing everything that can be crossed, if he successfully completes that then they will assess his mental state to see just what the long term drug abuse has done to him, I have spoke on the phone at length to one of the nurses there and they have mentioned paranoia, schizophrenia, and all sorts of long worded conditions, the thing is Fiona I cant feel any pity for him this is a result of all the years of drug use, you reap what you sow comes to mind, I feel really hard thinking this, but yet again he wants everyone to feel sorry for him, ive seen and heard it all before. At least at the moment I know where he is and professionals dealing with everything, I have told them I wont be visiting and want some distance from it all, its the only way at the moment I can cope, its sad that at one time I would have been pleased that things seem to be getting better but ive been let down too many times, so watch this space you never know miracles do happen, take care love
      keep strong
      Sue Xxxx

    • #8218

      oops sorry for the essay didnt realise I had wrote so much 😉 xx

    • #8221

      Aw not at tall Sue as long as you didnt get writer’s cramp lol.. well at least you can have a bit of a breather for a while the doc’s do there stuff. I know where you’re coming from saying you feel hard, It’s more a defence thing really, we have to protect ourselves some how. We could quite easily end up in a mental hospital with it all.. there’s been many a time ive thought thats it im losing the plot 🙁 as im sure you have. You enjoy the rest of the wk Sue and if the sun comes out i’ll have a little potter in my garden that always makes me feel a bit better : ) lv Fiona xxx

    • #8222

      Thanks Susie, yeah you’re right breathing space is defo needed. I can’t blame him, I’d be so wrong to do so.. He is a really good man, but this life style of police, drugs etc.. is totally alien to him, bless him I bet he has emirgrated by now ; ) xxx

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