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    • #4080

      It’s been a month now, and I’m giving him the tough love treatment, by that I mean I have’nt gone looking for him to feed him or make sure his clothe’s are clean.. I think he maybe giving me the tough love treatment as well , he has’nt been near ????

      Despair!! where’s my little boy with the blonde curley hair?
      His beautiful eye’s are dead in his head
      doe’s he remember the last time he slept in a bed?
      Frantic and manic with money to find
      Heroin and Crack there two of a kind..
      His teeth are all yellow, his back it is arched
      He want’s no comfort
      It’s for the drug’s he is parched!!
      No rhyme or reason will he comprehend
      I am his enemy, not his mother his friend
      all hope is gone, but i still carry on
      For my baby boy with the blonde curley hair xxx

      Struggling a bit tonight xx

    • #7949

      This is so true my brother is in a similar situation rigth now and its breaking my heart as well as my mothers this sounds exactly like something she would say. X

    • #7951

      It’s so hard Maria, to watch someone you love completley destroy themselve’s and you can do Jack s**t to stop it.. I ve still not seen my son, but I have heard he is around about.. This time of the year is more upsetting, Im just putting on a brave face for the sake of others, god bless to you and your mum xxx

    • #7956

      I too once had a little blonde boy….now a man with scars all over his body from iv drug use. I relate to your poem and know the pain. The helplessness is so overwhelming—trying to help someone who really only wants help long enough to get money for the next fix. I wait for the knock at the door or the call on the phone saying all hope is gone.

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