Tough love or support.

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    • #6914

      Where do you draw the line, it’s so hard to know how to help or not help the addict you love. Berating blaming, shaming doesn’t help it feeds the addiction more. Enabling being nice or ignoring the problem doesn’t help either. I’m torn I think tough love helps to a degree but not always as they feel isolated enough & without your support and that makes them feel worse too. I’m trying to help but distance myself enough to keep myself out of the chaos. I think sometimes we do add to it whether we realise or not with the pressure expectations and disappointment or anger when they let us down they feel guilt shame then use again it’s a vicious cycle. I’m learning to detach be a friend not take it personally and not get emotionally involved, i mean it’s better than doing nothing isn’t it? Feel free to vent below or tell me if you can relate to this.

    • #24550

      Thanks for sharing your wise words.

      If you would like some more support for yourself maybe you’d like to contact us at Icarus Trust where you could talk to one of our Family Friends who are trained and very experienced at supporting people going through what you are.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Good luck with everything.

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