Trying to break free from solpadol

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    • #5249

      Hello to whoever is listening. I was prescribed solpadol over 20 years ago to treat migraine headaches and for a good number of years just used it for that then some stresses in my life popped up and so took them to feel relaxed and chilled. The feeling they gave and still do give me compares to nothing else. I’m actually an edgy nervous type of person but no one would guess because my best pal (solpadol) has always been there to pick up the pieces and calm me down. But recently my daughter has. Even saying to me that I’m too tired to go out and do things with her and I feel guilty about locking myself away and enjoying the high that the tablets give me. I thought I must do something other than sleep my life away (I have been taking up to 12 30/500mg per day! So I bit the bullet and told my doctor and being terrified that he would just take them away completely from me. He was lovely and very understanding and will wean me off them over a year period. At the moment I’m still scared to death and half wishing I had t said anything because I really do t know how I will live without them! I’m only on day two. I’m of a low mood/ shivering then sweaty and no appetite and can’t sleep. Restless legs. It’s horrible but I want my life back. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Good luck to anyone else who is going through it.

    • #13769

      Hi Alice, I just came across your post and was wondering how you are doing? I hope everything went well but if it didn’t go as planned, post back and get some support! Hope to hear from you x

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