urgent advice

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    • #4129

      Hi i hope someone can help. My husband has been using heroin and crack heavily over last few years. I only found out in march last year and its been horrendous. We have 2 children, he doesnt work and doesnt do anything to help. All he does is sleep all day then goes off all night. I stupidly started texting a couple of male friends mainly because of neglect, lack of affection and the fact i was working and caring for him and kids plus paying his debts and house bills. He got help in august and i started tailing off the emotional affairs. Unfortunately he was still smoking crack but had stayed off heroin. Just after new year he went through my phone and found the texts. He is now turning it round on me, im the bad one. He says he has reasons why he uses drugs but ive taken it that step further. Im at my wits end. Ive suffered so much yet he doesnt see it. Its all about him and his feelings. What do i do?

    • #8027

      Hi I wanted to reply to your post because I know how hard it is to go through what you are, being a family member of a drug user is a rollercoaster of emotions you want to help him but in reality there is nothing you can do or say to make him stop, he has got to make that decision himself, he says he has reasons why he takes drugs but what about you and his children? are they not a big enough reason not to? You need to try and put you and your childrens needs first, easy to say but hard to do i know, i dont know if my words will help but please listen to your head and go with your gut instinct what he is doing is so very wrong in every way, take care,
      Sue xx

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