Want to quit cocaine. Thought it might be good to talk to others

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    • #5570

      I use maybe 1 2 or 3 times a month and its become like this since moving with my partner into our own place. I gave up smoking at xmas out of the will to do it. Tried nicotine patches vap8ng etc none helped so did it alone. My gf still smokes. I dont wanna do coke anymore. Its becoming more often and we see it as a treat. What do i do.

    • #15344

      Hiya mate. Im the same as you. Im having it roughly every 3 to 4 weeks. This year i did 2 month without once. I really cant stand it any more. The downers and sometimes suicidal thoughts. I have researched a lot how to stop and it does work.

      So if you really want to stop. You yourself have to want to and admit your an addict. Which you are the amount of times you are having it.

      Then you cant drink any alcohol! This is the main trigger to get coke!

      Delete all your dealers , friends/ family who do coke out of your phone book. Come off social media, as you can message them on there. Blocking wont work as you will unblock them.

      Your brain is so clever it wants the coke. So it will trick you into getting it. So you need to avoid trigger spots. Places were you used , places were you picked coke up. Go a different route.

      Then you need to get some new hobbies to replace the coke, so it keeps you busy.

      Ive took up reading, i go to the gym 5 days a week, i do some decorating. Plenty of walks with the dog. Do a daily plan and tick it off each day. Believe me you will start to feel a lot better.

      Download castbox. And listen to addiction podcast. They have some good stories of addicts talking about there lifes and i feel this helps. You can watch some on you tube.

      But it depends how bad you want this. Its hard avoiding people. You can be clean for 3 week. Then some1 who sells it will walk past you when they never walk past you! You get tested all the time.

      Feel free to ask me out buddy

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