Weed is Ruining my Relationship

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    • #7394

      Hi All

      I have no-one I can speak to and feel so alone about this.

      I have been with my partner for nearly 9 years. We are engaged four of them. He has always enjoyed smoking weed but over the last 2 years it has become a problem in our relationship. He smokes it every weekend and some weekday evenings too. On days he does not smoke or can not he gets very aggressive and is a horrible person until he can smoke then he is really loving and attentive. We would like to have a child eventually and he promises me he will give up at the end of the year. I work as a professional and I am concerned about the amount of weed he keeps in the house 1.5 oz it seems a lot so to me it shows me he has no intention of giving up or cutting back.

      He is very successful and functions highly. He buys properties and rents them and refinances them in a bid to retire early which he states he can smoke then as he feels weed will be legal. I dread when we go away as he becomes distant and wants to get back so he can smoke

      . Over the last two years since he’s been smoking more and the pandemic he complains that he can never “switch off” unless he smokes. He literally can not relax. Is this because he is reliant on weed or some other mental health issue.we always fight about it as I can see him deteriorating mentally in response to the smoking but he sees no harm in it and thinks it will be legal soon. Many thanks for reading. Not sure what to do.

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