What can I do next?

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    • #6675

      Hi all,

      I am the adult child of an alcoholic, I’m 25years old and my mum has been an alcoholic since from when I can remember. She also suffers from Bulimia. Over the last few years however it has got a lot worse.

      There has been 2 trips to the hospital where she has fallen and banged her head and more recently a time where she had to be admitted to hospital as she nearly went into a coma through her abuse of alcohol and her bulimia. The paramedics said if no one had found her she could have died.(She lives alone since myself and my sister moved out due to work and my dad left because of her addiction).

      She stayed in hospital over night and whilst she was in hospital the doctor persuaded her to go to rehab. This was a year ago now and she completed her 28 days in rehab.

      When she came out there was a period of time when she attended meetings and it seemed as though she was committed but as time went on she stopped attending meetings and I found out she’d been out for ‘1 drink’ with her friends. This has since progressed to her drinking regularly again. She is deceitful and tells a lot of lies. She is aggressive when she is drinking and she has fallen out with a lot of our family due to the lies.

      In the past, prior to rehab I have persuaded her to go to the doctors, to AA, she has had counselling/therapy by 2 different people and she has also been to a local help group none of which she has stuck to and none of which have helped her. I am struggling with what else I can do to help her in this situation, but I feel like I can not just sit back and watch her progressively get worse.

      Just wondered if anyone had any advice?

      Thanks everyone.

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