What do I do.

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    • #4619

      My husband has what he tells me is three pints a day up the local then will come home and have at least 4 cans sometimes up to eight. He only has one day off a week, a Sunday when the boys are not on the scene. But if they get in contact it can be 7 days a week. He has gone through so much with cancer I wonder whether this is his way of dealing with it. But there is only so much I can cope with.
      I beg, plead and scream and none of it seems to work. Am I supposed to let him just carry on and say nothing. What do I do?

    • #9632

      Don’t know what to do for the best.

    • #9652

      It sounds like you could do with having someone to talk to as its very hard to cope on your own with your husband’s addiction. Please get in touch with The Icarus Trust as we are a charity that supports the friends and families of addicts. You could be put in touch with our Family Friend service which means that you would be able to speak with one of our experienced trained volunteers. Talking through what you are going though with someone who understands might help you.
      You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
      Good luck. I hope this helps.

    • #9687

      Mitch I am so sorry you are going through this. My husband is an alcoholic, so i know only too well the frustration and anger you must be feeling. i urge you to go along to Al-Anon and get some support there. My husband has had cancer too and he drank alot of the time to cope. He has ended up hospitalized for mental health issues brought on by the drinking. You cannot stop him drinking, but you can learn to cope whether he is or not. I found that carrying on with my own life, plans etc was the best way forward for me, rather than his drinking taking up my every waking moment. At the groups you learn to take the focus off the drinker and put it back on yourself, the only person you can control. I hope you will find a way forward. I’ll be thinking of you.

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